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Trent Valvo

Frozen Wild Spuce Tips - 1 lb

Frozen Wild Spuce Tips - 1 lb

Regular price $24.00
Regular price Sale price $24.00
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1 lb of Frozen Wild Spruce Tips

Species: Picea sitchensis
Harvester: Trent Valvo
Location: Del Norte County
Harvest Method: Hand Harvested

These Spruce Tips were picked this season and were freshly frozen shortly after. Spruce tips offer an exceedingly vibrant flavor reminiscent of sweet resinous pine. Other words that might come to mind during a bite: lemony, astringent, tart.  They can be enjoyed raw or cooked in any dish and used as you might rosemary because their flavor profile is similar. Use them in salads, as a snack, or in smoothies for a boost of Vitamin C. You can try them pickled for a milder taste, or in a sweet syrup for a refreshing cocktail mixer. Enjoy the versatility and health benefits of these Wild Spruce Tips.

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